The products we recommend are the same we choose for ourselves and recommend to our family and friends. If we recommend that you spend your hard-earned money on something, we take it as seriously as if our own money were on the line.
Our process of compiling the lists of the best products consists of using advanced algorithms that collect and analyze vast amounts of data across the internet. We then include human quality control to make sure that the lists meet our quality standards. We are pretty proud of our achievement of creating a process that enables us to truly come out with lists of the best products we can openly recommend.
If a reader chooses to buy a product we recommend as a result of our research and analysis, our work may be compensated through a small affiliate commission from Amazon when the reader makes the purchase. There’s no incentive for us to pick inferior products or to respond to pressure from manufacturers — in fact, it’s quite the opposite. If a reader returns their purchase because they’re dissatisfied or the recommendation is bad, we make no affiliate commission. We think that’s a pretty fair system that keeps us committed to serving our readers first.
The most important thing to us is reader trust. If we were to recommend something due to bias or laziness, readers wouldn’t support our work.